Attorney Testimonials
Abby Klein* is so well thought of, other criminal defense attorneys retain her to prepare appeals for their own clients. Following are a few testimonials of what highly experienced and well-respected criminal defense attorneys say about Ms. Klein’s* appellate work:
“I have been referring clients to Ms. Klein* for over 25 years. She cares about each and every one of her clients. She is an extremely skillful writ and appellate lawyer–just excellent!”
–Stanley Greenberg, Criminal Defense Lawyer, Former Member Board of Directors, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Former Member, Governing Council, ABA Criminal Law Section “Ms. Klein* is dedicated to her clients and their causes. A superb and thorough writ and appellate attorney–as good as good can be”
–Errol Stambler, Criminal Defense Lawyer
Contact Ms. Klein* for a free initial consultation. Whether we file a criminal appeal, a Writ of Habeas Corpus, or both, the final objective is the same: We want to obtain your freedom!